The World Cup has started, and it's all been kicking off! Between Michael Gove and people on Twitter, that is.
Yes, today's round-up does that one thing you're not supposed to do - mix sport with politics - including, as it does, tweets about the World Cup, the CIA, #BritishValues, homeless spikes, Boris Johnson and water cannons. Plus poor old Harrison Ford and his broken ankle.
So without further ado, let's blow the starting-slash-samba whistle: here are the tweets that went through to the group stages...
Yes, today's round-up does that one thing you're not supposed to do - mix sport with politics - including, as it does, tweets about the World Cup, the CIA, #BritishValues, homeless spikes, Boris Johnson and water cannons. Plus poor old Harrison Ford and his broken ankle.
So without further ado, let's blow the starting-slash-samba whistle: here are the tweets that went through to the group stages...