Who says there’s a dumbing down of news media? Certainly not the producers at Channel 4 News, who marked the professional passing of Jeremy Paxman from the Newsnight hot seat by asking pensioner Jon Snow to perform a song and dance number in the atrium of BBC HQ in London.
What’s more, he did it… and with all the gusto of a pissed uncle on a karaoke box at a hotel bar on the Costa del Sol. Why? We simply don’t know. Perhaps it’s for the best we never find out. But here’s the clip anyway (above).
- Jeremy Paxman's Greatest Interviews/ Most Famous Victims
- Paxman's Most Famous Hairy Asset
- One Time Someone Actually Out-Paxoed Paxman
What’s more, he did it… and with all the gusto of a pissed uncle on a karaoke box at a hotel bar on the Costa del Sol. Why? We simply don’t know. Perhaps it’s for the best we never find out. But here’s the clip anyway (above).