It's Oscars night where all the self-important egos give out their prejudice-fuelled movie judgements. But enough about Twitter.
— Ruzzle Kicks (@antonsays) February 22, 2015
Yes, Sunday night was Oscar night! If you were able to watch it, that is:
Mixed signals!! RT @Slate: How to watch the Oscars online, and why you probably can't:
— Todd Barry (@toddbarry) February 22, 2015
Over on Twitter, however, people were ready:
Right, then. Better head off to the Oscars*. I've got my tux** on and I'm excited***!
* the office
** Yesterday's pants
*** Half asleep
— Chris Hewitt (@ChrisHewitt) February 22, 2015
It's nice of the Oscars organisers to schedule their little awards show to coincide with Oscars jokes night on Twitter.
— hrtbps (@hrtbps) February 22, 2015
For a change this year I hope a poor, ugly person wins an Oscar for playing a rich, healthy person, who's having a great life. #Oscar2015
— Baz (@bazlyons) February 22, 2015
And those rich, healthy people were out in force:
What's the collective noun for a group of celebrities who attend the Oscars?
A list.
*drops mic*
— Jake Lambert (@LittleLostLad) February 22, 2015
So who was up for an Academy Award?
#Oscars2015 and the winner is......
— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) February 22, 2015
Rosamund Pike sounds like the name of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts.
— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) February 23, 2015
The best thing about Bendybus Crinklepatch is that you can make his name as absurd as you want and people still know who you mean #Oscars
— The Poke (@ThePoke) February 23, 2015
Before the ceremony itself, however, there was the matter of the red carpet:
The Oscars is a great opportunity for women working at the very peak of their creative abilities to be judged on what dress they're wearing.
— tom jamieson (@jamiesont) February 22, 2015
Could be a still from the Hunger Games #AmericanBAFTAs
— Danny Wallace (@dannywallace) February 22, 2015
When you have to attend the #OscarsRedCarpet but you left the dishes in the sink at home @ladygaga #brava
— Maximiliano (@maxi_schon) February 23, 2015
my favorite Oscar red carpet game is "dad or boyfriend."
— Morgan Murphy (@morgan_murphy) February 23, 2015
"There's Meryl Streep! You never know who you're going to see here!"
Well, you always know you're going to see Meryl Streep there.
— John Moe (@johnmoe) February 23, 2015
Although some stars were in the wrong place...
It's an amazing amount of fun here at the Vanity Fair party!
— Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) February 23, 2015
Meanwhile, back in the auditorium:
Keith Urban looks like Nicole Kidman's stunt double.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) February 23, 2015
Those two empty seats next to Leto are for me and our shared-custody cat, Noodles.
— Julieanne Smolinski (@BoobsRadley) February 23, 2015
Matthew McConaughey loves a shiny blazer more than my 94-year-old mother.
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) February 23, 2015
Actor maths:
Oscars goodie bag worth £100,000.
75% actors earn less than £5000 a year from acting.
It'd take them 20 years to earn that bag.
— Miss L (@ProResting) February 23, 2015
The annual 'In Memorium' video was shown:
The Death Montage. One day, hopefully a long time from now, this will be the only time I'll ever be on the #Oscars. Looking forward to it...
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) February 23, 2015
That awkward moment when they only clap for some of the people. #Oscars
— Totes McGotes (@TotesMcGotes) February 23, 2015
A video which infamously omitted the late, great Joan Rivers:
Joan Rivers is gonna surprise us after the commercial break by being alive I guess #InMemoriam
— Shalyah Evans (@ShalyahEvans) February 23, 2015
This year's Academy Awards script didn't go down a storm, unfortunately:
"BIRDMAN might SWOOP an award back to the NEST!"
"WHIPLASH is a real DRUMS!"
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) February 23, 2015
Comedy is hard. #Oscars
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) February 23, 2015
Indeed, one critic wasn't happy with ANY of it:
Worst graphics and stage backdrop ever at the Oscars. Show is terrible, really BORING!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 23, 2015
But the first real star of the night was, without doubt, John Travolta:
The Face/Off sequel looks interesting #TheOscars
— The Poke (@ThePoke) February 23, 2015
John Travolta says hi
— Omar L. Gallaga (@omarg) February 23, 2015
Congrats John Travolta... You single handidly creeped out the #Oscars2015
— Tim Williams (@realtimwilliams) February 23, 2015
John Travolta is the hollywood version of the creepy uncle no one invited to the party #TheOscars
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) February 23, 2015
Do the scientologists have Travolta's real head? #oscars
— marc maron (@marcmaron) February 23, 2015
Closely followed by John Legend and Common...
John Legend could sing a song about how ugly, talentless and unloved I am. I’d still listen to it a hundred times. #Oscars
— Andy Ihnatko (@Ihnatko) February 23, 2015
...whose performance moved Chris Pine to tears:
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) February 23, 2015
Lady Gaga's medley of songs from 'The Sound Of Music' - and the appearance of Dame Julie Andrews herself - proved to be one of the night's most memorable moments:
The hills are alive with the sound of violins that aren't mic'd. #Oscars
— Todd Barry (@toddbarry) February 23, 2015
.@LadyGaga made me want to climb a mountain. She also made me want to ford every stream and I don't even know what that means. #Oscars2015
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) February 23, 2015
To the folks surprised at @ladygaga's awesome voice, google everything she's ever done and it should clear things up #Oscars2015
— Corinne Segal (@cesegal) February 23, 2015
Petition for Julie Andrews to perform a Gaga medley
— James Walmesley (@RteeFufkin) February 23, 2015
Don't worry. As soon as Julie Andrews is done presenting, she'll be singing "Poker Face."
— Anne Wheaton (@AnneWheaton) February 23, 2015
I'm tired and hormonal. Wrap this up, Andrews. #Oscars
— Katie Mulgrew (@KatieMulg) February 23, 2015
If Lady Gaga can sing a tribute to The Sound Of Music, can we have Kanye doing Ghostbusters 2 next year? #Oscars2015
— Chuck Thomas (@chuckthomasuk) February 23, 2015
The big winner of actual awards, however, was 'Birdman':
Birdman or The unexpected Subtitle I Never Heard Before Tonight #Oscars2015
— Caissie St.Onge (@Caissie) February 23, 2015
Who would have thought that the academy would reward a film about the craft of acting over a far superior film about real life? #Oscar2015
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) February 23, 2015
Now that it's won best picture like The Artist and Gump we can start the fast crawl towards everybody hating Birdman finally.
— Alex Ross Perry (@alexrossperry) February 23, 2015
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) February 23, 2015
"Birdman" is about actors spending three hours searching for meaning. It's "The Oscars: The Movie."
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) February 23, 2015
"That's it!" *richard linklater clenches his fist* "I'm making a 90-year film"
— Alexandra Petri (@petridishes) February 23, 2015
Certain winners - and their speeches - were particularly popular:
Graham Moore wins oscar for best speech. #Oscars
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) February 23, 2015
I want Patricia Arquette to rip that mic off the stand, so she can drop it.
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) February 23, 2015
Rare photo of Jesus blessing Patricia Arquette during her acceptance speech.
— Tim Lyzen (@TLyzen) February 23, 2015
Although others were a little problematic:
It was good to see Bradley Cooper congratulate Eddie Redmayne on his Best Actor win #Oscar2015 #AcademyAwards
— THE STUDIO EXEC (@studioexec1) February 23, 2015
Sure, Eddie Redmayne did a good Stephen Hawking impression but in the Police Academies Michael Winslow was doing 10-20 impressions PER MOVIE
— Keri (@kerihw) February 23, 2015
Been calling JK Simmons' parents all night. It has NOT gone well.
— John Moe (@johnmoe) February 23, 2015
But while this year's Oscars wasn't exactly the most diverse...
The name "Iñárritu" shows more diversity than the list of nominees.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) February 23, 2015
I see Hollywood has quashed claims of a lack of diversity by giving the big three Oscars to a Mexican, a Limey and a Ginge.
— Jason (@NickMotown) February 23, 2015
"I have black friends!" -the Oscars
— Julieanne Smolinski (@BoobsRadley) February 23, 2015 least it was vaguely political:
I'm not saying that was a political #Oscars but Warren Beatty is at the after party dressed as Lenin. #Oscars2015
— THE STUDIO EXEC (@studioexec1) February 23, 2015
Donald Trump still wasn't happy:
The Oscars are a sad joke, very much like our President. So many things are wrong!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 23, 2015
Nor was Sean Hannity:
AMERICAN Sniper snubbed by liberal hwood Predictable. #CluelessOscars
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) February 23, 2015
And then, just like that, it was all over:
Wanna feel old? The #Oscars just finished, & it's the year 2031. #Oscars2015
— Diane N. Sevenay (@Diane_7A) February 23, 2015
I was hoping the show would end with a minor-key dirge called Everything Was Awesome. #Oscars
— Joseph Scrimshaw (@JosephScrimshaw) February 23, 2015
No matter if your favorite film won or lost at the #Oscars, let us all remember what counts in the end: the end.
— Nein. (@NeinQuarterly) February 23, 2015
Wasn't a particularly great night for my first ever Oscars bingo.
— Charlie McDonnell (@coollike) February 23, 2015
The morning after the night before, however, we think these British tweeters summed it up best:
Every year the Oscars gives me an overwhelming sense of vaguely agreeing or disagreeing with the decisions of lots of people I don't know.
— Tom Hamilton (@thhamilton) February 23, 2015
When you stayed up too late watching the #Oscars
— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) February 23, 2015
I'll save you a click. They're all women and all look lovely. RT "@thetimes Fashion hits & misses at the #Oscars"
— David Llewellyn (@TheDaiLlew) February 23, 2015
The oscars is just rich people rewarding other rich people for doing almost nothing. Please retweet my tweet sent from my iPhone.
— Rhys James (@rhysjamesy) February 23, 2015
I got out of bed without crying, so I think we all know who the real winner here is #Oscars
— Rachael (@RachaelvsWorld) February 23, 2015
Indeed. See you same time next year, guys?