In what is becoming a depressingly predictable part of prolonged Twitterstorms, trolls with no knowledge of what has actually happened have started to say the alleged victim, Oison Tymon, is the one to blame:
Oisin tymon is a little bitch and deserved to get punched by Jeremy. Learn to serve warm food in the unemployment line. #BringBackClarkson
— Joe benton (@BLAZExLMTDxEDTN) March 13, 2015
If Clarkson is sacked, will Oisin Tymon be the most hated man in the UK?
— Kerstin Robinson (@KHJRobinson) March 13, 2015
If they don't bring @JeremyClarkson back Ill be throwing punches Oisin Tymon. #getjezzaback
— Curtis Betts (@CurtisBetts) March 11, 2015
#OisinTymon should be sacked not Jeramy Clarkson #BBC
— Reading (@BasVegas101) March 11, 2015
Well done Oisin Tymon you just lost @BBC £300 million #BringBackClarkson #dontpaythelicence
— Dilinja (@thedilinja) March 11, 2015
Clarkson has been suspended and the remaining three episodes of Top Gear have been shelved, pending the outcome of an investigation.
Clarkson is accused of attacking Tymon after the producer failed to secure hot food.
Close to 850,000 have signed a petition calling for his reinstatement.
Since the news broke, Clarkson has told a group of photographers outside his home he is heading the job centre, admitted he thinks he’ll be sacked and changed his Twitter bio to “I am probably a presenter on the BBC2 motoring show,Top Gear.”
The trolls' attacks on Tymon appalled other tweeters, one of whom called them "scumbags".
Scumbag trolls should be ashamed . Leave the poor man alone . Done nothing wrong and hope Clarkson is removed for good #OisinTymon
— youlovefashion (@youlovefashion) March 13, 2015
Its sick that trolls are now targeting #OisinTymon saying if @JeremyClarkson gets sacked then his family should be shot! #disgustingtalk
— Lucy Cannon (@LucyCannon17) March 13, 2015
Some told Clarkson, who has been intermittently active on Twitter since his suspension, to publicly call on supporters to stop picking on Tymon.
@JeremyClarkson I feel sorry for Oisin Tymon.He has been verbally abused by your supporters. Ask them to stop. He might be in a bad way.
— Wyler Jason (@WylerJason) March 13, 2015
.@JeremyClarkson You should be the bigger man and tell moronic element of your supporters to stop attacking Oisin Tymon #BringBackClarkson
— V (@cwithta) March 13, 2015
As this article went live, Clarkson had not replied.
His only tweet since the scandal broke has been:
Sorry Ed. It seems I knocked your "I'm a human" piece down the news agenda.
— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) March 10, 2015
He also retweeted someone, who asked the BBC:
@JeremyClarkson how can @BBC not show the remaining episodes of Top Gear, cant this be resolved without making the fans suffer
— Nathan Badcock (@nathbadco) March 10, 2015
A family who witnessed his fracas with Tymon claimed Clarkson had threatened to have him fired.